SAD #4 provides a variety of publications and ways for you to connect with the school system.
Download the MSAD 4 App and enable push notifications to receive the most up to date communications..
SAD #4 uses a variety of communications tools as part of our emergency communication system. Please see the list below
SAD 4 sends out announcements and alerts through a variety of means to try to reach as many people as possible for emergency broadcasts and school cancellations.

We are now using School Messenger for our mass communications.
Using your Parent Login to PowerSchool, you can choose which numbers and emails receive various types of messages.
Look for the Contact Manager Link at the bottom of the left hand column.
If you are not a parent, student or staff member in SAD #4 but would like to be added to our emergency communications lists, please contact Jessica Dunton either by email at jdunton@sad4.org or at 8764636 ext. 19
If you want to have a phone number added or changed in School Messenger, please call your child's school.
PCES Office Number: 876-4301
PCSS Office Number: 876-4625
You can see what numbers are being called in the PowerSchool Parent Portal, you cannot change these numbers. You must call the school to get a number changed.
You can opt in or out of various message types on the Parent Portal at any time.
You must have at least one phone number tied to the Emergency messages group.
When you get a call, you can have it repeated by dialing 0 at any time.
Text messages are also now coming from School Messenger. Just like voice messages, you can opt in or out of text messages in your PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Text messages will be used when we send out a voice message. Hopefully this will only be a few times a year, generally not more than 10 messages a month.
Message and Data rates apply, so if you have a cell phone plan that charges you per text, you will get charged for these text messages as well.
You will need to send a text message from your phone to enable text messages.
To enable text messages: text Y to 68453 you will receive a confirmation message in a minute or so.
To disable text messages: text STOP to 68453 at any time.
You can also opt out online at http://schoolmessenger.com/txtmsg.
Email Messages are now sent out through School Messenger as well.
You can see what email addresses are being used in your PowerSchool Parent Portal.
You can also opt in our out of the various types of messages in the Parent Portal.
All parents/guardians with students in SAD #4 schools are able to log into the PowerSchool Parent Portal to see their student's schedules, grades, lunch balance, teacher comments, and School Messenger settings. If you do not have a new Single Sign On (SSO) parent account for PowerSchool, please contact your child's school office and ask for the directions to set one up.
Follow SAD #4 on Twitter at sad4schools.
We generally will not be replying to messages in our Twitter feed. Please contact your school directly with questions.