Contact Free Fundraiser!!!
Would you like to support your local NHS? Well we have an
easy contact free way for you to do so. Charleston Wrap
has partnered up with us to provide you with wonderful
products that you can order right from the comfort of your
own home. You can order amazing products from them
such as: candles, well designed planters and lanterns, vast
amounts of food products, and so much more. Have no
time to go out and buy a present for an upcoming birthday,
order something off the website and it will be shipped right
to your house. Does your family eat all the snacks once you
get back from the grocery store leaving you with nothing?
You can order snacks from the website and your family will
never know because they don’t expect food to come
through the mail. And here's a little secret orders over $85
dollars get free shipping! If you are interested please
contact NHS leader Sarah Brown at
NHS Fundraiser - Contact Free
February 25, 2021